PwC Industry Cloud Series

Upcoming talks

Ashish Garg
Insurance Transformation

Matthew Wolff
Cloud & Digital

Imran Razaq
Industry Cloud Insurance

Put a premium on legacy modernization

July 30, 2024 | 1:00 PM EST


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Evolving legacy technology systems within the insurance industry is a critical initiative which helps to stay competitive and meet customers’ ever-changing needs. The path to modernization can seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be.

In this webcast, we’ll examine how insurance companies can accelerate the modernization of legacy systems while mitigating operational complexity and ensuring regulatory compliance. We’ll also explore the exciting landscape of GenAI and discuss how insurers can leverage modern cloud-native platforms to fast-track the path to growth and return on investment.

Join Ashish Garg, Principal, Insurance Transformation, PwC and Matthew Wolff, Principal, Cloud & Digital, PwC, to learn:

  • The changing trends insurers are seeing with digital transformation, and the key challenges they may face with legacy systems
  • How GenAI capabilities can expedite legacy modernization initiatives
  • How PwC’s Industry Cloud for Insurance solutions can help insurers transform their core systems, remain compliant, and competitive

Register now to explore the untapped value of cloud modernization, and how PwC can help you best leverage your cloud investments.

Recent talks

Emily Steele
President & COO
Lane Martin
Head of Payments Principal
Dean Nicolacakis
Aloke Agarwal
Director and Industry Cloud Banking Product Owner at PwC

Charting Your Path: A Roadmap for Banking Modernization

July 23, 2024 | 1:30 PM ET


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The banking industry is undergoing a significant transformation, driven by the need to enhance the customer experience, improve operational efficiency and comply with evolving regulations.

But a variety of reasons deter many banks from modernizing. For example, legacy core systems play a critical role in daily operations, and knowing where to start on a modernization journey can seem complex and overwhelming. Fortunately, recent technology advancements have expanded the options available to banks for modernization. Learn what leaders are doing to make strides modernizing amid a tumultuous market.

Join Lane Martin, Principal, Head of Payments, PwC; Dean Nicolacakis, Digital Banking Principal, PwC; Aloke Agarwal, Director, Product Owner of Industry Cloud for Banking, PwC; and Emily Steele, President and COO, Savana, as they address the 4 primary elements critical in today’s modernization landscape:

  • Delivery excellence
  • Core system reliance
  • Operational effectiveness and efficiency
  • Cutting edge technologies

Register now to secure your place and help accelerate your bank’s modernization journey.

Lane Martin
Head of Payments Principal

Tanvi Patel
Digital Payments Principal

Aloke Agarwal
Director and Industry Cloud Banking Product Owner at PwC

Your Implementation Strategy for Payments Modernization with Industry Cloud

May 21, 2024 | 3:30 PM ET


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Payments modernization represents a significant shift in the way banks and financial institutions handle transactions, moving from traditional, often manual processes to more streamlined, digital, and automated systems. This is not just a matter of keeping up with technological advancements; it is a strategic imperative for banks and financial institutions aiming to stay relevant, competitive, and compliant in the rapidly evolving financial landscape.

This shift is crucial for four main reasons:

  • Enhanced Customer Experience: Modern payment systems meet customer expectations for fast, reliable, and convenient transactions, helping to improve satisfaction and loyalty in the digital banking era.
  • Increased Efficiency and Reduced Costs: Automating payment processes reduces manual effort, speeds up transactions, minimizes errors, and lowers costs for financial institutions, resulting in substantial savings over time.
  • Competitive Advantage: Institutions embracing payments modernization differentiate themselves by offering innovative, efficient, and secure banking options, attracting and retaining customers, especially younger ones who prefer digital-first experiences.
  • Enabling New Business Models and Services: A modern payment infrastructure empowers banks and financial institutions to innovate and create new financial products and services, such as real-time payments and blockchain-based transactions. This enables institutions to stay ahead of technological trends and meet emerging customer needs.

Join Lane Martin, PwC Head of Payments Principal, Tanvi Patel, Digital Payments Principal, and Aloke Agarwal, Director at PwC and Industry Cloud Product Owner to learn how PwC collaborated with leading payment vendors and created tools that can address your needs while enhancing your customers’ experience.

Justin O’Connor
Digital Banking Principal at PwC
Aloke Agarwal
Director and Industry Cloud Banking Product Owner at PwC

Benefits of banking modernization with Industry Cloud for Banking

May 9, 2024 | 11:40 AM ET


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Core technology modernization in banks and financial institutions is a pivotal strategy that goes beyond improving operational efficiencies—it’s a fundamental reimagining of how these institutions can serve their customers, innovate, and manage risks in a digital age.

The benefits of such modernization efforts are vast, touching upon every aspect of the banking experience, from the backend processes to the customer interface. Some of the key benefits are:

  • Deepening customer relations by providing personalized banking experiences, offering customers products and services tailored to their specific needs and financial behaviors.
  • Digital activation through modern core technologies enables banks to quickly deploy digital solutions, integrate with digital ecosystems, and offer digital-first banking solutions, meeting the needs of a digitally savvy customer base and enhancing the overall digital banking experience.
  • A flexible and scalable core infrastructure enables rapid innovation in banking, allowing for the development of new products and services without legacy system limitations.
  • Reducing Risk by upgrading to modern core systems enhances security, improves compliance, and ensures operational resilience, protecting sensitive financial information, maintaining customer trust, staying compliant with evolving regulations, and minimizing downtime during disruptions.

Join Justin O’Connor, PwC Digital Banking Principal, Dean Nicholakis, PwC Digital Banking Principal, and Aloke Agarwal, Director at PwC and Industry Cloud Banking product owner, as they discuss how core technology modernization is not just an operational upgrade for banks and financial institutions; it’s a strategic move towards creating a more customer-centric, innovative, and secure banking environment.

Justin O’Connor
Digital Banking Principal at PwC
Aloke Agarwal
Director and Industry Cloud Banking Product Owner at PwC

Core banking modernization strategies with Industry Cloud

January 30, 2024 | 1:00 PM ET


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Next-generation core banking platforms enable a new way forward. Modern core banking platforms enable real innovation by reducing cost and time-to-market. They help break down technological constraints, enabling banks to evolve more quickly and accelerate their development of new client offerings.

Join Justin O’Connor, PwC Digital Banking Principal, and Aloke Agarwal, Director at PwC and Industry Cloud Banking Product Owner, to learn:

  • The changing trends banks are seeing with core modernization, and the key challenges they face with legacy cores
  • How strong alliances can help alleviate banking-specific functionality issues
  • How PwC’s Industry Cloud for Banking solutions can help banks transform their core banking systems, creating a better experience for their customers

In this webcast, we’ll examine how banks can navigate the challenges of modernizing legacy systems, while mitigating vendor risk and operational complexity. We’ll discuss how banks can leverage the best of modern cloud-native platforms and bring new features to the market in weeks vs months.

Nadia Ballard
Research Manager, Industry Clouds, Solutions and Verticalization Strategies at IDC
Sumit Abilius
Consulting Solutions Director, Cloud and Digital at PwC

Your guide to Industry Cloud: 3 pillars for driving its successful adoption

August 15, 2023 | 2:00 PM ET


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According to a recent IDC study, the adoption of industry clouds is spiking fast. Their rapid growth is fueled by their ability to combat business volatility and shorten the path to value for cloud transformation initiatives. With the usage of industry clouds more than doubling from 2021 to 2023, benchmarks of successful transformation are starting to emerge across industries. (1)

Join guest speaker Nadia Ballard, Research Manager, Industry Clouds, Solutions and Verticalization Strategies at IDC and Sumit Abilius, Consulting Solutions Director, Cloud and Digital at PwC to learn more about the three emerging indicators of a successful industry cloud transformation, including:

  • The preparation needed to address the challenges brought on by industry cloud, such as difficult implementation and integration
  • The importance of partnerships and the capabilities and components they can provide to generate value for the end user
  • How strong ecosystems and individuals within these ecosystems, contribute to the breadth of business outcomes that can be achieved

The benefits of industry cloud are clear: built-in regulatory compliance and access to the latest technology tools, to name a few. But achieving value and better customer journeys requires the right preparation, ecosystems and partners to support your cloud transformation. In this webcast, we’ll examine what makes an industry cloud successful and take a look at how PwC is helping its clients focus on their customer journeys, not the underlying tech.

(1) IDC InfoBrief, “Industry Clouds Help Drive Resilience, Growth, and Connectivity”, Sponsored by PwC, March 2022, Doc # US50447523